Todd Rodarmel

Todd Rodarmel

Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/11 from 11 to 11:11

So this is a big day for weddings.  Last year it was 10/10/10.  This year it's 11/11/11.  Next year it will be 12/12/12 if the Mayans and doomsday prophets are wrong.  It's an easy anniversary to remember.  But your day should be memorable enough that you don't need a gimmick.

I just did an intimate private ceremony on top of a parking structure overlooking the Mission San Juan Capistrano with a couple who met up there.  They already have a wedding planned (and will still do it with all their friends and family) but wanted to take advantage of this date to tie the knot.  So this clandestine affair took place with only me and the photographers to capture the event.

We started at 11 AM and I was able to time the ceremony to finish with the big kiss at 11:11.  It was fun, romantic, simple and cheap.  For some couples, that makes the memory they are looking for.

Whether you plan ahead for a special date like today (as my last couple today did booking me 14 months in advance to be sure to get the date because she is a math and binary freak!) or you capitalize on it at the last minute flexible time with a few friends, you should make your day memorable by living in the moment and hiring a good photographer to snap candid shots.  The only memories posed pictures make is how much your face hurts from the plastic forced smile you have to hold all day.

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