Todd Rodarmel

Todd Rodarmel

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Make Love a Verb

I tell couples who want to get married that there are three kinds of love it takes to make a marriage work.  There is a friendship love, a romantic love and a commitment love that all must be nurtured for a lifetime.  The first two of these are something you feel.  The third is something you choose to do.  Nurturing all three is a choice that takes intentionality and makes it possible to sustain love for a lifetime. You need to learn to make love a verb.

Love is something you don't just "fall into" (and out of).  It is something you do.  It is a verb.  Love him.  Love her.  Even when you don't feel like it.  For more on this topic, you can listen to the message I preached on this at my church HERE.